Essays »

- Realistic Painting: Is It Real? [6/14/19]
- Art History: Is It Real? (a lecture presented at the Firehouse Restaurant in Evanston, Illinois) [12/12/18]
- Expression: What Can Paintings Express? (a lecture presented at the Firehouse Restaurant in Evanston, Illinois) [8/8/18]
- What Is a Paining: Painting As Information (a lecture presented at the Firehouse Restaurant in Evanston, Illinois) [6/14/17]
- Consciousness: Can Computers Be Conscious? (a lecture presented at the Firehouse Restaurant in Evanston, Illinois) [1/11/17]
- WHAT IS A PAINTING: Do You See What I See? (a lecture presented at the Firehouse Restaurant in Evanston, Illinois) [8/10/16]
- Images: Are Images Creative? (a lecture presented at the Firehouse Restaurant in Evanston, Illinois) [3/9/16]
- Is It Real? How Can I Tell? (a lecture presented at the Firehouse Restaurant in Evanston, Illinois) [11/11/15]
- Smile: Are You Happy? (a lecture presented at the Firehouse Restaurant in Evanston, Illinois) [7/8/15]
- Bipolar Disorder and Creativity: Are Artists Crazy? (a lecture presented at the Firehouse Restaurant in Evanston, Illinois) [2/11/15]
- The Elgin Marbles: Whose? (a lecture presented at the Firehouse Restaurant in Evanston, Illinois) [10/8/14]
- Marshall Mc Luhan: What If He Was Right? (Part 2) (a lecture presented at the Firehouse Restaurant in Evanston, Illinois) [4/9/14]
- Marshall Mc Luhan: What If He Was Right? (Part 1) (a lecture presented at the Firehouse Restaurant in Evanston, Illinois) [3/12/14]
- Visual Thinking: There's No Word for It (a lecture presented at the Firehouse Restaurant in Evanston, Illinois [8/14/13]
- Art Museums: Location! Location! Location! (a lecture presented at the Firehouse Restaurant in Evanston, Illinois [2/13/13]
- My Art (a lecture presented at the Illinois State Museum in Springfield [10/25/12]
- The Fine Arts; Friends, Family or Incestuous Bedfellows? or The Fine Arts in American Universities: Commonwealth or Competition [8/8/12]
- Culture, Perception, and Images: Do You See What I See? 2/8/12]
- The Power of Images: Image as Substitute [9/14/11]
- The End of Art?: What Next? [5/10/11]
- Making/Teaching Art: A Case of Schizophrenia? What the Universities Have Done to Painting [11/4/2010]
- Art History: Where Are the Jews? [6/8/2010]
- The Art World Today: Where Have All the Paintings Gone?
Or: What the Feminists Have Done to the Art World [8/12/2009] - Public Art or Art in Public Places: Who Decides? [12/10/2008]
- Juding the Art of Others: How Do You Know? [6/11/2008]
- Language and Art: Mona Lisa's Smile [2/13/2008]
- Old Dogs and New Tricks: What Happens to Old Artists? [9/12/2007]
- Oh! Say Can You See?: A Perceptual Problem [3/14/2007]
- Elitism and Its Discontents: Gripes of a Snob [11/8/2006]
- Art Theory and Myth: But Is It Art? [6/14/2006]
- Henry Darger: The Inside Of An Outsider [1/11/2006]
- Picasso's Guernica: Then and Now [3/9/2005]
- Copies and Forgeries: What Difference Does It Make? [2005]
- La Grande Jatte: What Was Seurat Thinking? [8/10/2004]
- ORIGINALITY: What's on First? [3/10/2004]
- Martinis: Theory and Practice [6/11/2003]
- Mechanical Copies: If you can't tell the difference, what difference does it make? [4/9/03]
- My Art [5/19/2002]
- Fine And Commercial Art: The Freedom of Limitations [5/8/2002]
- Photography: How Real Is Real? [8/8/2001]
- THE SELF-PORTRAITS OF JOANNA BARNETT A Historical Approach [4/10/1999]
- Judging African Art [1998]
- Art Judgements [9/8/1998]
- Is It Art? Is It Good? [1/6/1998]
- Do You See What I See? How People See Pictures [4/16/1995]
- Making It: Race, Gender and Ethnicity in the Artworld [1/26/1993]
- Outakes From Making It: Race, Gender and Ethnicity in the Artworld [1993]
- Art Myths - What You See Is What You See [9/18/1990]
- Jewish Art: Fact or Fancy? [1983]
- Interdisciplanary Studies: Evolution or Revolution? [1980]
- Holocaust Paintings [1967-1979]
- Realism and Neo-Realism in Art [1964]
- An Interview with Harry Bouras [1962]